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The Chemistry Shorts™ series shows the vital role the chemical sciences play in the biggest issues facing the world. Each film is accompanied by a lesson plan to integrate the science behind these innovations into the classroom.

Crackling Chirality

Cracking Chirality, a twelve-minute film from Chemistry Shorts™, explores how the essential molecules of life, like DNA, RNA, and proteins, acquired their homochiral structures and how magnetic rocks at the bottom of a prebiotic lake may have set the stage for life as we know it.

Frosty Formulations

Frosty Formulations, a seven-minute short film from Chemistry Shorts™, explores the surprising science behind one of the world’s favorite desserts. Ice cream is made up of dairy, sugar, flavorings, and chemistry! Like bubbles colliding and connecting, the interactions between the molecular components of ice cream are responsible for the dreamy qualities of texture and mouthfeel that we all enjoy so much. Those same interactions reveal important chemistry concepts that touch our lives daily.

My Role: Editor

Producers: Neil Losin, Nate Dappen, Page Buono, The Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation

Production Company: Days Edge Productions

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